Wearing counterfeit jadeite jewelry can be more harmful than you might think. These fake jadeite pieces often look similar to authentic jadeite, but they lack the true qualities and energy of genuine jade. In fact, the dangers of wearing counterfeit jadeite can negatively impact your health.
Many counterfeit jadeite pieces are made from materials that can cause skin sensitivity, irritation, and even an acidic reaction when in contact with your skin. This could lead to long-term health issues, such as rashes or discomfort. The inferior materials used in counterfeit jadeite jewelry can also lack the spiritual and positive energy that genuine jadeite brings. As jadeite is believed to offer protection and good fortune, wearing fake jadeite could hinder these benefits.
Understanding B 货 (Counterfeit Jadeite) vs. A 货 (Genuine Jadeite)
In the jadeite industry, A 货 (Genuine jadeite) refers to authentic jadeite that has been carefully sourced and preserved in its natural state. On the other hand, B 货 (Counterfeit jadeite) is a term used to describe jadeite that has been altered, treated, or replaced with synthetic materials. While B 货 may look similar to genuine jadeite, it is not the real thing, and its harmful effects may be overlooked by unsuspecting buyers.
At Jmei Jade Jewelry, we are committed to offering only Genuine jadeite (A 货). We take pride in our meticulous selection of natural jadeite, ensuring that each piece is both beautiful and beneficial for your health. Unlike many sellers in the market who promote counterfeit jadeite, we stand by our authenticity and dedication to quality.
Why Choose Jmei Jade Jewelry?
Jmei Jade Jewelry is built on a foundation of trust and authenticity. We focus on providing our customers with only 天然翡翠 (natural jadeite), which carries its cultural significance and health benefits. Our jadeite pieces are not just jewelry—they are symbols of prosperity, good fortune, and well-being.
Jmei uses a personalized approach to help you find the jadeite that suits your 八字 (Ba Zi, Chinese astrology). Our system will suggest the right jadeite color, material, and design for you, ensuring that it harmonizes with your energy.
Rewards Program for Our Loyal Customers
At Jmei, we appreciate our customers’ trust and loyalty. As you purchase our jadeite jewelry, you can accumulate points through our reward system. For example, when you reach 10,000 points, you can redeem RM100 off your next purchase. This program extends beyond jadeite and includes other valuable gems, such as rubies and gold.
Protect Your Health and Wealth with Genuine Jadeite
Choosing genuine jadeite is more than just about owning a beautiful piece of jewelry—it's about protecting your health, aligning with positive energy, and investing in something of lasting value. With Jmei, you can be confident that you are purchasing only A 货 (authentic jadeite), free from harmful materials, and crafted with care.